biblioest, Università degli Studi di Trieste e delle provincie del Friuli Venezia Giulia, Sebina, biblioteca, opac, catalogo biblioteca, Friuli, Regione Friuli, biblioteche del Friuli Venezia Giulia, Catalogo biblioteca, Prestito libri, prestito ebook, reteindaco

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The Mirage of the Mirror: A Lacanian Reading of Nadine Gordimer’s Loot

Pourjafari, Fatemeh

Testo elettronico Australian International Academic Centre PTY. LTD 2017

risorsa Web


As a South African female writer, the works of Nadine Gordimer have been frequently discussed through either the post-colonial or feminist principles of criticism. However, another way to interpret and evaluate these works, particularly her short fiction, can be the application of psychoanalytic approaches, which have been almost often neglected by the literary reviewers. [...]
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Biblioteca Digitale Polo TSA

Fornitore/Editore: ReteINDACO